Organic crops on your plate

Urba Farming

In 2021, we started creating an organic farm in Wola Justowska. This is a nod to our customers who will live

in the Wola Village development.


We are committed to providing daily access to the healthy vegetables, fruits and herbs we are planting. We are currently fertilising

and preparing the soil, building the infrastructure, and we are also applying for the organic farm certificate (green leaf).


Follow the progress and together with us build an organic future for you and your family

Urba Farming products


grow in an ecological and sustainable
and sustainable manner


ripen in the sun


do not pollute the environment or water


do not contain any synthetic pesticides


produced out of love for nature and man

Did you know...?

Organic agriculture is one of the three main directions of agricultural development in Poland?

It is a farming system of sustainable crop as well as livestock production. It means using only bio-based inputs, which reduces dependence on external inputs. It is also referred to as biological or organic farming. Among its basic assumptions is the mimicking of processes occurring in natural ecosystems. Characteristic is the production in a closed cycle: soil - plant - animal. What counts among the main objectives of organic farming?

We are here,

to take care of the Earth's health and yours (yes, you read in the right order: the Earth comes first, followed by Man). For us, organic farming is a universal, proven recipe for maintaining good vitality. Through Urba Farming, we want to share it with you.

At our eco-villages we create a unique concept of returning to NATURE. We start in Wola Justowska in Kraków and develop further....

Would you like to taste what a fruit, vegetable or herb really tastes like without added chemicals, artificial pesticides and enhancers? Want to find out what food the earth provides that is healthy? Do you want to feel healthy? You've come to the right place!